On Sunday, January 16, the EAA 1440 board got together at the Tully's in Redmond to discuss the upcoming year. Below are the minutes from that meeting. Many thanks for Jim Piavis for taking these notes.
1. Attendees: Jason ,Rich, Marc, Rob, Chad, Jim
2. Chapter By-Laws:
a. Rich: wants to have the Pres for a term of Pres for 2 years. Potentially have everyone run at the 2 year term.
b. Maybe have the option for the Pres to run for a second year if he/she wanted.
c. Need the write-up of the proposed change, then do a poll on Yahoo.
3. Finance:
a. Balance : $1301.97 in checking, $173.64 in PayPal is current balance. There is an outstanding check for $227.
b. Currently 27 paid members for this year. Our break-even point for coverage of insurance and fees is about 15 members.
c. Paperwork: EAA renewal paperwork has been sent in.
d. Name Tags: There is a list of about 5 names that need tags.
e. Projector: Still have two options for projectors (Joe/ Rob). No need to purchase.
f. Patches: No comments...eh...
4. Fly - Outs:
a. Invite others along when possible.
b. Ellensburg, Twin Oaks Ch 105, Independence, Tillimook, Bellingham, McMinnville (other locations aside from the usual).
c. Try to plan out well ahead of time.
d. Safety Pilots for instrument concurrency.
5. Other:
a. New members: have a topic that works for new guys.
b. Need a directory for tools/books etc, that folks only need for a little.
6. Meeting Topics
a. Ideas: go around the room with what you're building for the new guys.
b. Strive to put out notice on meetings if they will be good for spouses.
i. EAA 'canned' meetings - we believe they have some canned topics.
ii. Marc - can do a fill-in for an engine out in his Mooney.
iii. Bring-a-part show-n-tell
iv. Where folks have flown out to?
v. Land Speed record - same presentation as Harvey.
vi. Douglas World Cruiser
vii. Dynon again..
viii. Electrical - Rich Martin
ix. Engines: Brian Costello, local Lyc rep.
x. Props: Northwest Propeller.
xi. Conditional inspection - Terry Burch - overview of what needs to be done.
xii. Any Restorations local? MoF Restoration Shop
xiii. Tower Tour? SEA? Renton?
xiv. Project Visits
1. Chad - RV-7
2. Glen - RV-12
3. John M.
c. Feb
d. Mar
e. Apr: Dinner meeting - possibly have at 6:30.
f. May
g. Jun
h. July - Airshow Month
i. Aug - What I did for the Summer
j. Sep – BBQ
k. Oct:
l. Nov: Election
m. Dec - White Elephant