Saturday, March 20, 2010

January Pres Column

First I want to thank Mike for the last year of leadership he has provided. I also want to thank Jim for stepping up again to fill the VP position. It is this sort of participation that has helped our chapter thrive in only a few years of existence.
Participation has been perhaps the strongest aspect of our chapter. In the next year I want to expand our chapter’s role. There is much we can do that will help ourselves, our chapter and General Aviation.
It has been a while since we have had a project visit. I would like to make an open call to those whole are building, no matter what stage your project is in. I have been threatening to do one for a while, so on February 20th you are invited to my garage where I will finally make good on this threat.
Looking back on the last year it seems that our best meetings have been outside of the Library. With the return of flying weather only a few months away we should consider what can be done. Tom and Mike’s “Zagat of the Air” idea gives us one more excuse to burn some 100LL ( as if we need an excuse to fly ).
The topic of Young Eagles comes up every few months. I am excited to say Jim is looking into the insurance issues around these sorts of flights. More information and announcements will be coming in February.
Amazingly our club has had the tendency in the last several years to have many members reach the same point in their projects at the same time. We should take advantage of this. In the next several months I would like us to have a member driven and hosted workshop on electrical systems. We may have other members who are interest in metal work, wood work or composites. If you are interested in sharing some work space, knowledge or of a qualified instructor please let us know.
Once again thank you for letting me have the opportunity to lead our club.


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